Condo kitchen and stairway |

Condo kitchen

Condo living room |

Condo master bedroom |

Condo second bedroom |

Brian, Phil and Pat at Snowmass on Thursday morning

Teri, Brian, Phil and Pat at lunch |

Thursday afternoon trail view |

Phil on Thursday afternoon |

Pat on Thursday afternoon |

Brian and Amy

Brian's Thursday afternoon photo stop |

Brian, Pat, Amy and Phil |

Thursday afternoon valley view |

Memorial plaque |

Phil, Amy and Brian at the Edge run entrance |

Brian on a wide cruising run |

Amy's Thursday afternoon photo stop

Brian and Amy's photo stop |

Teri, Amy and Phil |

Wide open cruising run |

Teri's Thursday afternoon photo stop

Gwyn's High Alpine on-mountain restaurant |

At the end of the skiing day |
 Dangling icicles |

Phil's Friday morning gear check

Cloudy Friday morning valley view |

Valley view, part 2 |

Brian on Friday morning |

Phil on Friday morning

Pat, Amy and Brian on Friday morning |

Teri on Friday morning |

Phil skiing in blowing snow |

Phil skiing, part 2

Brian, Amy and Pat |

Amy skiing closeup |

Pat doing a somersault |

Brian, Pat and Amy resting in the blowing snow

Brian, Phil and Amy |

Phil in heavy snow |

Brian in heavy falling snow |

Phil resting near the trees |

Phil and Teri on the lift Friday morning |

Clearing skies over the valley Friday afternoon |

Omaha and Lincoln skiers at the top of the lift |

Skiing down an easy run

Phil with Friday afternoon valley view |

Steve with Friday afternoon valley view

Teri with Friday afternoon valley view |

Friday afternoon near the Snowmass base area |

Strange decorations |

Phil at the base area |

Snowy parking lot on Saturday morning |

Tamarack condo sign

Sign with snowy parking lot |

Teri and Brian on the shuttle bus Saturday

Amy and Teri |

Pat, Brian and Phil |

Stress is overrated |

Buttermilk entrance |

Long wide easy run |

Birch trees and deep snow |

Ski area boundary |

Teri on Saturday morning

Brian, Amy and Pat resting |

Fort Frog mountain stop

Resting near Fort Frog |

Valley view from Buttermilk

Uphill view from the lift |

Approaching the Buttermilk base |

Teri's Buttermilk photo stop |

Resting at Buttermilk |

Brian's Buttermilk photo stop |

Brian and Phil

Looking uphill |

Brian and Pat in fresh powder, part 1 |

Brian and Pat in fresh powder, part 2 |

Pat, Brian and Phil resting

Saturday afternoon group rest stop |

Mark, Brian, Pat, Teri and Phil |

Four club skiers in fresh powder |

Phil's Saturday afternoon photo stop |

Brian and Phil on Saturday afternoon

Lots of snow at the midmountain rest stop

Tom and Mark at Cliffhouse lunch |

Brian and Phil at Saturday lunch

Amy at lunch |

Unusual Cliffhouse decorations, part 1 |

Unusual Cliffhouse decorations, part 2 |

Brian, Phil, Tom and Mark at lunch

Snowy picnic area |

Looking uphill along the lift in heavy falling
snow |

Central Colorado I-80 view Sunday morning on the
way home |

Approaching Vail Pass on Sunday morning |