Copper Mountain base lodge wall decorations |
Sunday morning at the Copper Mountain base
Dew Tour area |
Sunday morning at Copper Mountain |
Well groomed slope |
Near the base of the Timberline lift
Smooth open area with a valley view |
Freshly groomed upper slope |
Teri's Sunday morning photo stop |
Jamie resting on Sunday morning |
Quiet Sunday morning landscape
Teri, Phil and Jamie's photo stop |
Wide open back bowls |
Phil and Jamie on a long traverse |
On the long traverse, continued |
Skiing back to the base |
Crowded base area |
Dew Tour stage |
Dew Tour course |
Stopping for lunch |
Base view to the west |
Dew Tour booths at the base
VIP viewing area |
Moose Jaw dinner menu |
Phil at Sunday evening dinner |
Monday morning valley view
Jeff and Dave |
Phil resting on Monday morning |
Jeff, Teri, Dave and Ben |
Jeff, Dave, Phil, Brian, Ben and Teri
Bumpy run under the lift |
Phil and Teri on the lift |
Monday's lunch |
Monday afternoon landscape, part 1
Monday afternoon landscape, part 2 |
Mid-mountain restaurant |
Near the top, part 1 |
Near the top, part 2
Phil near the top |
Descending towards the back side |
Wide open area |
Monday afternoon rest stop
View along the upper ridge |
Upper ridge view, part 2 |
Upper ridge view, part 3 |
Resting on the ridge |
Jeff, Dave and Ben |
Jeff near the top of the ridge |
Jeff and Ben near the top of the lift |
Deep snow in the trees
Gladed area |
Teri's Monday afternoon photo stop
At the end of the skiing day |
Loading up the car |
In the hot tub after skiing Monday |
Jamie preparing the welcome party dinner |
Ben and Brian at the Lewis residence |
Beginning of the welcome party
Welcome party, part 2 |
Simon, Jamie and Andi setting up the welcome
party food
Welcome party chili |
Relaxing at the welcome party |
Chili, brussels sprouts and cornbread muffins |
Additional hot sauce
Welcome party discussions |
Starting the welcome party dinner |
Dinner at the table |
Large sleepy black dog |
Jamie with dessert plates |
Teri and Jamie with the desserts |
Andi, Vance, Ben, Phil and Dave |
Discussions after dinner
Jeff with dessert |
Welcome party group photo
Group gathering, part 2 |
Group gathering, part 3
Welcome party dessert |
Ben, Phil and Dave |
Relaxing after dinner |
Phil making sandwiches Tuesday morning |
Tuesday morning at the base |
Halfpipe looking uphill
Ben, Andi, Jamie,
Phil, Jeff, Simon, Vance and Dave about to ski on Tuesday morning |
Brian about to ski |
Teri and Brian on Tuesday morning |
Assembled at the base
Teri, Andi and Jamie |
Jeff, Teri, Andi, Ben and Phil on the lift |
Jamie's Tuesday morning photo stop |
Assembled at the top of the lift
Mid-mountain restaurant viewed from the lift |
Restaurant closeup |
Simon's Tuesday morning photo stop |
Club skiers with valley view
Brian's Tuesday morning photo stop |
Dave, Ben, Jamie, Andi, Brian, Vance and Simon |
Teri and Ben descending the front side |
Tuesday morning I-70 view
Dave, Teri and Ben |
Teri, Jeff, Ben, Dave, Jamie and Simon on the
lift |
Teri, Jeff, Ben, Dave, Jamie and Simon,
continued |
Wide open area on Tuesday morning
Lined up sitting on the lift |
Teri on the lift |
Northwest view from the top of the ridge |
Impressive rugged terrain
Ben, Teri and Jamie near the top of the T-bar |
Dave and Ben |
Jamie retrieving a lost ski |
Teri with Dave
Dave, Jamie and Teri |
Dave and Jeff at Tuesday's lunch |
Tuesday afternoon backside view |
Phil on Tuesday afternoon
Steep open backside terrain |
Wooded valley and steep mountains |
Ben and Phil on a wide open slope |
Teri and Phil at the restroom building
Wide open bumpy bowl |
South view from the top |
View to the southwest |
Jeff, Ben and Vance on the lift
Windblown steep terrain under the lift |
Tucker Mountain trails |
Teri on Tucker Mountain |
Ridge in the back bowls
Jeff, Ben, Vance, Teri and Phil on Tuesday
afternoon |
Jeff, Ben, Vance, Teri and Phil, continued |
Ben resting Tuesday afternoon |
Jeff's Tuesday afternoon photo stop
Ben's Tuesday afternoon photo stop |
Teri's Tuesday afternoon photo stop |
Jeff's selfie |
Phil, Dave, Jeff, Ben and Vance
Beer at the end of the skiing day |
Teri, Phil, Brian, Steve, Ben, Dave, Vance and
Jeff |
China Szechuan restaurant in Frisco |
Ben, Dave, Jamie, Vance, Simon, Jeff and Brian
doing Chinese dinner
Chinese vegetables, tea and rice |
Dale, Ben, Dave, Jamie, Vance, Simon, Jeff and
Steve |
Jeff, Brian, Steve, Phil, Andi, Dale and Ben |
Brian, Steve, Teri, Phil and Dale
Chinese restaurant exit |
Ben resting at Keystone Wednesday morning |
The Keystone safety patrol |
At the top of the lift at Keystone
At the Outback section of Keystone |
Breckenridge runs viewed from Keystone |
Jeff and Ben at Keystone |
Ben navigating through a bump run
Jeff's Wednesday lunch |
The new Bergmann Express lift at Keystone |
Ben in the snow and fog at Keystone |
Near the top of Keystone
Ben at the top of the lift |
Descending back to the Keystone base |
Keystone base viewed from above |
Keystone ice castle
Keystone valley view |
View from the Flyer lift at Copper Mountain |
Dave and Teri on the Flyer lift |
Clouds, fog and fresh snow at Copper Mountain
Brian and Dave's photo stop at Copper Mountain |
Teri, Brian and Dave |
Dale, Dave and Brian at Jack's bar at Copper
Mountain |
Lefty Lucy playing at Jack's
Teri, Steve, Brian and Dale listening to Lefty
Lucy |
Dave, Dale, Brian, Phil, Jeff, Teri and Steve at
Jack's |
View from above |
View from above, continued
Lefty (Nick) playing the guitar |
Lefty Lucy closeup |
Lucy singing on the bar |
Lucy announcing with two shot skis
Lefty Lucy playing some more |
Jeff, Teri, Phil, Lucy, Ben, Brian and Dale
Group photo at Jack's, continued |
Dale, Brian and Phil walking back to the car
Dale, Brian and Teri |
Milligan's Irish Pub |
Copper Mountain shuttle bus stop |
Hacienda Real Mexican restaurant
Mexican restaurant menu |
Brian and Phil toasting at Wednesday night
dinner |
Unusual Mexican food |
Jamie, Dave, Jeff, Vance, Steve, Ben, Simon and
Ben, Simon, Dale, Brian, Phil, Jamie, Dave and
Jeff |
More unusual Mexican food |
Colorful dinner |
Phil and Teri at the Mexican dinner on Wednesday
Teri, Jamie, Dave, Jeff, Vance, Steve, Ben,
Simon, Dale, Brian and Phil |
Steve, Ben, Simon, Dale, Brian, Phil, Teri,
Jamie, Dave, Jeff and Vance |
On the way to Copper from the motel on Thursday
morning |
Dave, Ben, Simon, Jeff, Andi, Jamie and Phil at
Jamie, Teri, Phil, Andi, Ben and Dave
overlooking I-70 |
Clearing skies and a wide easy slope on Thursday
morning |
Ben, Jamie, Dave and Jeff |
Brian and Teri on Thursday morning
Near the top of the Timberline chairlift |
Ben and Brian on some green runs |
Teri's Thursday morning photo stop |
Jeff resting Thursday morning
Dave resting near the top of the lift |
Ben, Jamie, Brian, Dave and Jeff |
Wide open slope on Thursday morning |
Jamie on Thursday morning
Brian's Thursday morning rest stop |
Backcountry access trail in the trees |
Jamie, Teri, Brian, Ben and Dave |
Jeff, Jamie, Teri, Brian, Ben and Dave
At the West Village lodge for Thursday lunch |
Jeff at lunch |
Dave, Ben and Phil at lunch |
Jeff back on the slopes
Jeff, Dave, Ben and Teri on the lift |
Jeff's Thursday afternoon photo stop |
Phil, Teri and Andi on a bump run |
Jeff and Teri Thursday afternoon
Near the base of the Three Bears lift |
Jeff, Ben and Phil on the snowy backside of
Copper Mountain |
Back at Jack's at the end of the skiing day |
Lefty Lucy playing late Thursday afternoon
Lucy announcing at the bar |
Lucy setting up shot skis |
Jeff on the left shot ski |
Drinking from the shot skis
Back at Andi's condo |
Andi's living room |
Andi's Thursday evening dinner |
Snowy condos at Silverton
Ben and Brian back at the motel |
Thursday night dinner at Wendy's |
Friday morning view to the east |
Back side of Copper Mountain
Pleasant valley view |
View between the trees |
Phil, Andi, Teri and Jamie Friday afternoon |
Phil, Andi and Jamie on the ridge, part 1
Phil, Andi and Jamie on the ridge, part 2 |
Friday afternoon view from Hallelujah Ridge |
View to the north along the summit ridge |
Back at Andi's condo
Quiet Saturday morning landscape |
Peaceful Saturday afternoon |
Teri's Saturday afternoon photo stop |
On the summit ridge Saturday afternoon
Hallelujah Ridge sign |
Northeast view along the fence |
On the way back east to Nebraska |
Out of the mountains